Kia ora e te whānau,

Welcome to Kids’ Church! We meet each Sunday of the school term in the Social Lounge during the 9:30 am Sunday service.

When you come to Kids’ Church, you can expect to hear Bible stories, participate in object lessons, play some games, and get your craft on. We generally follow the Lectionary alongside the main service so that the kiddos (aged 3-11) and their whānau can continue chatting about what they learnt after the service.

My main aim for Kids’ Church is for the kids to have fun learning more about Jesus and our faith and for them to go home knowing they are unconditionally loved by God.

This year’s theme is “Jesus colours our lives when we let Him into our hearts!

I chose this theme because it’s a nice reminder to share our lives with Jesus. Whether this is through praying every day, coming to Kids’ Church on Sundays, reading a Bible story every once in a while, or all of the above, I hope this reminds the kids to welcome Jesus into their hearts and lives.

Recently, we’ve played games like Simon Says to think about the difference between obeying and honouring someone (Mother’s Day) and a fill-in-the-blanks game about the story of Pentecost. We’ve done object lessons like testing if rocks or sand were more sturdy as a foundation (Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders) and an “I’ll believe it when I see it” paper magic trick (Doubting Thomas).

For crafts, we’ve made paper flowers for our mums, faith flame lanterns for Pentecost, a big vine with each child adding a branch and leaf for themselves (Parable of the Vine and the Branches), and people paper chains (Disability Sunday) just to name a few.

I hope to see you at Kids’ Church one Sunday – all new kids are welcome to join us; we’d love to have you along!

Manaakitia e te Atua (God bless),

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it – Proverbs 22:6