There are lots of opportunities to get plugged into the wider life of St Aidan’s. Pastoral care is the ministry of caring and giving provided by pastors and other parish leaders to members of the congregation with a focus on healing, reconciling, guiding and sustaining. Listed below are some of the ways our team provides pastoral care.
“I was sick and you looked after me” (Matthew 25:36)
Home Visiting:
An important part of pastoral care at St Aidan’s is home visiting. This is done both by staff and a small team of parishioners. Sometimes this is to serve communion, other times it is to offer a listening ear to a valued friend, and usually, it involves a cup of tea! If you would like to receive home communion or would value a visit – or you would like to be part of the team that offers this very important parish ministry, please contact us.
Prayer Circle:
The purpose of our Prayer Circle is to offer pastoral care through prayer support for specific needs.
How does it work?
There is no need to give anything more than the name. If you wish to say more, the briefer, the better (e.g. health, relational, anxiety), but we prefer to pray for the person holistically, knowing that God alone understands all our needs. Give the name of the person needing prayer to Karel Lee or place a note in the Gathering Area box. Karel will then set the circle in motion so that all the members will pray. Any information you provide will be treated in the strictest confidence. At no point will it be available to anyone outside the Prayer Circle.
Who will be praying for you?
The circle members are invited by the parish’s clergy team for a one-year appointment. Annually the Clergy will prayerfully consider the membership of the group, ensuring a mixture of experience, continuity and the provision of a new ministry opportunity for some… plus ensuring a sabbatical for those who are so good at praying without ceasing.

Do you know someone on bed rest, can no longer make it to church or just needs a friendly phone call? Ask them if they would like someone from our pastoral care team to give them a buzz.
Retirement Village Communion:
We lead regular monthly communion services at three local retirement villages – Remuera Gardens, 7 Saint Vincent, Rawhiti Estate and Waimarie Private Hospital.
Would you like to be visited in the hospital or at home? Please speak to the clergy or contact the office if you would welcome a visit.
You can print these forms, complete them and either email them to or come in and drop them off. The office also holds hard copies of them all.
Privacy Act Authorisation Form – This needs to be completed for us to store your details
Pastoral Care Form – General enquiries and updating details
Able to Help?
Would you like to join our Pastoral Care Team? We would love to hear from you. If you would like to know more, please fill out the form below or contact Louise.