St Aidan’s, Remuera has been an independent ministry unit since 1912 when a parochial district was formed from the mother parish of St Mark, Remuera. It was given parish status as early as 1915.
Originally, St Mark’s parish was much bigger as its boundaries then included the area now covered by the parishes of St Mark, St Aidan, St George Epsom, and St Chad Meadowbank. As the population of Auckland grew, the weekend houses in Remuera began to be replaced by larger homes on large sections, giving it a semi-rural atmosphere. St Mark’s had purchased a section in Victoria Avenue for future development. Elsewhere in the parish a Mission Hall was built on Mr J Wilson’s property in Shore Road (now the site of St Kentigern’s School) and used from 1859 as a chapel for Hobson Bay-Lower Remuera area.
Services also began in 1885 in the Remuera Social hall at the top of Ōrākei Road. However, the people of ‘Upper Remuera’ made their own plans and services began in a hall in 1898. In 1903 a section was purchased on the corner of Remuera and Ascot Avenue. St Aidan’s Church was dedicated on 29 June 1905. A resident priest was appointed in 1906. Significant alterations were carried out in 1910, and the sanctuary dedicated on 21 December 1912, and the church consecrated on 2 September 1956.
Saint Aidan of Lindisfarne
To find out more about Saint Aidan, check out this Saint Aidan of Lindisfarne PDF.
Stained Glass Windows
Part of our experience at St. Aidan’s is to walk from the busy, secular world into the peaceful, holy space that is our church. Over the years it has been endowed with time, talents and gifts that have added to its beauty and comfort and enriched our worship. The stained glass
windows have contributed in a significant way in creating a church that is dedicated to the glory of God and that reflects the hearts and lives of its people over several generations.
Each window reveals an important figure or event central to the bringing of Christianity to our country and parish. Whether you are a visitor to this church or one of its congregation we hope that you will find in this booklet some of the stories of the peoples that have been part of our history and our faith.
Gathering Area and unisex Hall Toilets Refurbishment Project
The existing Gathering Area kitchen was no longer fit for purpose for the increased/changed activities that now occur in the Gathering Area compared with when the kitchen was first installed. And the Hall toilets have long been an area of concern for parishioners stretching back several vicars. The new emphasis on Health and Safety (H&S) places the onus on us to address areas of concern. Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who made this possible. To read more about the refurbishment, click here.
Lych Gate Refurbishment Project
This project started in March 2008 with the seemly simple task of replacing the stolen gates from the Lych gate structure. However on closer inspection of the structure the poor condition was highlighted with rotten timber at the base on the structure, broken tiles, and graffiti. The structure had been neglected for some time. It was then decided that some much needed maintenance was required. It soon become apparent that the $10,000 Lych gate fund and insurance for the gates was not going to cover all the costs involved in repairing the structure. As a listed Heritage Structure we required Auckland City Council approval for the repair work and were eligible for a Cultural Heritage Grant. We applied to Auckland City Council for a heritage grant and received $8,000 towards the cost of the repairs. The final project cost was $34,300.
Before and after: The old Lych Gate complete with missing gates, faded and graffitied woodwork and decaying roof; and the restored Lych Gates looking very sharp, with repaired and cleaned roof, restained and restored wood work and brand new gates.
Present and Past Clergy:
Parish of St Mark: Vicars
HW St Hill 1851-1856
GTB Kingdon 1856-1859
Dr John Kinder 1860-1863
EH Heywood 1863-71
Lonsdale Pritt 1872-85
Isaac Richards 1886-95
W Beatty 1895-1923
Parish of St Mark: Assistant clergy
WM Du Rieu 1884-85
HDA Major 1895-99
AF Smith 1899-1901
S Ingle 1901
CA Tisdall 1902-04
HL Snow 1904-06
JA Kempthorne 1903-07
A Fowler 1906-12 (became first Vicar of St Aidan’s)
WE Connolly 1907-12 (Resident priest at St George’s 1912-24)
St Aidan’s Vicars
A Fowler 1912-19
F G Harvie – Locum 1914-15
J Wilkinson 1919-25
F G Evans – Locum 1920
HA Coleman 1925-30
H V Salmon – Priest in Charge 1920
RL Connolly 1931-49
W C Wood – Priest in Charge 1949-50
PE James 1950-51
ACF Charles 1951-60
LO’S Beere 1960-69
R E Talbot – Priest in Charge 1969
TR Everall 1969-89
R L Bast – Priest in Charge 1981
HJ Smith 1989-98
S B Brooker – Priest Associate 1993-94
J H Kempster – Priest in Charge 1998
MR Smart 1998-2004
J Kelly-Moore – Priest in Charge 2004
J Kelly-Moore 2004-10
B Jenkins – Priest in Charge 2010-11
D Woods 2011-2016
G Ashworth – Priest in Charge 2016-2017
G Ashworth 2017-2021
L Anderson – Priest in Charge 2021
A Anderson – 2021-2025
S Stevens-Cross – 2025-
St Aidan’s Curates (Assistant Clergy):
HJ Steele 1935-38
FL Allen 1941-44
WJ Hughes 1944-48
CL Wright 1951-53
DA Braddock 1953-56
BJ Stych 1956-59
CL Cullen 1956-60
JSG Cameron 1958-59
JA Powell 1959-62
B Underwood 1961-1962
WP Naera 1962-65
JK Coulson 1966-67
RE Talbot 1967-71
M Drysdale 1968-70
MD McLean 1971-73
CRS Brittenden 1972-75
JJ Shaw 1973-74*
JA Cullen 1975-78
RE Mortimore 1975-78
JP McFerran 1976-78*
CD Ruge 1976-79
MA Marsh 1978-83*
KN Hall 1979-81
J Terrell 1980-2005*
P Appleby 1981-84
CL Cullen 1984-93
WL Blyth 1992-2006*
JH Kempster 1995-99
BB Owen 1996-2006*
GM Hicks 1998-99
J Kelly-Moore 2000-2004
LP Nguyen 2003-08
J Rhodes 2008
C Harris 2008-13
A & D Smith 2013
G Ashworth 2015-2017
P Tizzard 2017-2018
L Anderson 2018-
* Honorary Assistant Clergy